ICYMI: Crumbsnatchers' "SAM" & Casters' "Walk On Home" EP
We got two new heaters out last week. Have you been listening?
It’s been a damn good week here over at LYMI Headquarters. Why is that? We’ll tell ya! Their were TWO new releases from two of our very good boys. On the left there we’ve got Casters’ new release “Walk On Home” (art by Sierra Jones) & on the right we have Crumbsnatchers & Jive Talk’s “Sam” (Photo by Violet Teegarden).
The band Casters celebrated the release with a show in Brooklyn. Check out this sick shot from Sam Blieden. Catch up on some thought from Strader on the release here
”I wrote this one right after to I moved from Tennessee to Brooklyn in February 2022. My friend Emilie, who owns a music venue in Bushwick called Purgatory, was kind enough to let me set up a demo station in the basement for free. Of course, there was a recently adopted stray cat I had to share the space with, but such was my own vibe when I first got to NYC.
I’ve been experimenting with extremely low guitar tunings over the last few years. This song emerged out of a chord loop I couldn’t stop playing with my Martin 000 tuned down a whole step but with the 6th string dropped to C. I tracked the bones of the song with drum machine, bass, and acoustic guitar. Then I overdubbed a lead that ended up becoming the vocal melody in the verses. I wrote the lyrics by mumbling into a microphone until words eventually formed. I wasn’t going for any intentional meaning at the time, but having had time to reflect on them, I think they’re generally about being forced to choose one environment over another and the trying not to wonder could’ve been if your time with someone you love hadn’t been cut short”
THAT VERY SAME DAY we’ve were gifted the indelible “Sam”, Crumsbnatchers’ collaboration track with Nashville’s own Jive Talk. On top of the track we also got some iconic photos of the two band’s from men Guetts Guetterman & Oliver Pierce shot by Violet Teegardin on a farm out in the hills of Eastern Tennessee. Check out some more photos from the shoot below, but first here are some thoughts from Geutterman on the song….
“SAM” is the needle piercing a hole between psychedelic surf and spaghetti western worlds. A lonely cowboy in a pink convertible on a desert highway stumbles across an old baseball mitt and a marriage certificate.”
That’s all for now folks! As always consider supporting these artists via our bandcamp. Your help goes a long way! We’ve got fun stuff cooking up for the rest of the year, so stay tuned.